
Taking a Break

Taking a Break

Resting is key for me to function. To be a good person, to get things done and to be......


Grenzen en vrijheid

Gisteravond keek ik samen met mijn partner naar de aflevering van #BOOS omtrent het vermeend sexueel overschrijdend gedrag van mannen in machtspositie bij het Nederlands TV programma The Voice of Holland en haar spin-offs.

De verhalen van de slachtoffers waren voor velen schokkend en hartverscheurend. Voor mij was dat niet het geval. Het zijn verhalen die ik erg vaak heb gehoord en pasten in mijn ervaring met mannen gedurende mijn leven. Ervaringen die ik niemand toewens, ervaringen die onnodig zijn.


To my born child

My dearest child. Thank you for choosing me as your mother. I loved you since the day I knew you existed. I was also scared from the day I knew you existed. Scared for all the darkness, the evil, the dangers, scared for me not being able to give you the best of me.

So everyday I try to be better. I try to be better for me, because I don’t feel I’ve tried enough and I worthy to be better. And for you, so you see and will know that it’s ok to do you.

And ever since you


Can I still do big?

This society makes you think that everything is makeable. That we can become anything and everything if we just work hard enough. That everyone is special and...


To my unborn child

My unborn child, the child that was and never will be. The child that opened my heart, my mind and my future.

I will never know you other....


Getting in the right

What is the right way to live with depression? What is the right way to live to begin with?

My biggest obstacle to containing my depressive episodes is discipline...

Melancholia Valance 2021 | Design and Development by Namidi N.V.